DNS Issue resolved

There was an issue where the user was not able to update/save the A - Record.


ainx.eu Domains

Welcome to AINX.EU, your gateway to seamless online presence! Explore the world of possibilities as you register your very own .ainx.eu domain for free. Take control of your digital identity by effortlessly managing DNS entries, ensuring your online space reflects your unique vision. Elevate your web experience with AINX.EU - where domain registration meets user-friendly DNS management. Your journey to a personalized online presence starts here!

Get your free .ainx.eu domain NOW!

TXT DNS Record Issue Resolved: AINX.EU's Commitment to Seamless DNS Management

At AINX.EU, we are dedicated to delivering reliable and efficient services to enhance your online experience. We recently encountered an issue with setting a TXT DNS record, which has now been successfully resolved. We appreciate your patience as we worked to fix this and are pleased to inform you that the functionality is back to its optimal state.

Resolution of TXT DNS Record Issue:

We identified and addressed the challenge affecting the configuration of TXT DNS records. This resolution ensures that our DNS management services continue to operate smoothly, allowing you to manage your DNS settings with confidence and ease.

Our Commitment to Service:

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards for our services. Resolving this issue underscores our dedication to ensuring that you have the best tools and support for managing your domain’s DNS records. Your satisfaction and smooth experience with our services remain our top priorities.

How to Check Your TXT Records:

  1. Log in to your Client Area on AINX.EU.
  2. Navigate to the DNS management section of your domain.
  3. Verify that your TXT records are correctly configured.
  4. If you encounter any further issues or have questions, our support team is here to help.

Moving Forward:

With this issue resolved, you can now continue to manage your DNS records seamlessly. We are always here to support you and will continue to work diligently to provide you with the best possible service.


Thank you for your understanding and patience as we resolved the TXT DNS record issue. At AINX.EU, we remain committed to delivering top-notch DNS management services. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements as we continue to improve our offerings for you!

Published on July 16, 2024

Enhance Your Online Experience with AINX.EU's Dynamic DNS Updates API

At AINX.EU, we're constantly evolving to provide you with tools that make managing your online presence even more seamless. We're excited to introduce our latest feature – the Dynamic DNS Updates API, along with a user-friendly Windows client available for download in your Client Area. This powerful combination empowers you to take control of your domain's dynamic IP address effortlessly.

Dynamic DNS Updates API:

Our Dynamic DNS Updates API allows you to automatically update your domain's DNS records whenever your IP address changes. This is particularly useful for users with dynamic IP addresses, ensuring that your domain always points to the correct server, hassle-free.

Windows Client Download:

In your Client Area, you can now download our Windows client designed specifically for easy integration with the Dynamic DNS Updates API. Simply download, install, and follow the intuitive setup process to start enjoying the benefits of automated DNS updates on your Windows machine.

How to Get Started:

  1. Log in to your Client Area on AINX.EU.
  2. Locate the Dynamic DNS Updates API section.
  3. Generate your API key for secure and authorized access.
  4. Download and install the Windows client from the provided link.
  5. Enter your API key in the client and configure your preferences.
  6. That's it! Your domain's DNS records will now be automatically updated whenever your IP address changes.

Immediate Impact:

Experience the convenience of real-time DNS updates. Whether you're running a server, hosting a website, or managing remote access, the Dynamic DNS Updates API ensures that your domain is always reachable, no matter how your IP address fluctuates.


With the addition of the Dynamic DNS Updates API and the user-friendly Windows client, AINX.EU continues to simplify your online journey. Stay connected effortlessly, focus on your content, and let us handle the technical details. Download the Windows client today and enjoy the benefits of a more dynamic online presence!

Published on December 25, 2023

Time is Ticking: Discover Expiring Domains at AINX.EU

Ahoy, AINX.EU Navigators!

The digital tides are ever-changing, and as we sail through the vast realms of the internet, it's crucial to keep a keen eye on the domains that make up our online voyage. Today, we're here to alert you to a valuable tool at your disposal—our Expiring Domains feature.

The Countdown Begins: Expiring Domains Within 7 Days

Picture this as the ticking of a digital clock. In your quest to stay ahead of the game, we present you with a list of domains registered at AINX.EU that are set to expire within the next 7 days. This is your treasure map to potential new opportunities and a chance to claim domains that may soon become available.

Navigate with Precision: Finding Expiring Domains

  1. Navigate to "Domains": Head to the "Domains" section in the navigation bar.
  2. Expiring Domains Tab: Look for the special tab that unveils the secrets of domains with impending expiration. Here, you'll find a curated list of domains that could soon be up for grabs.
  3. For the lost ones: Just click here to find somone lost treasure.

Seize the Opportunity: What to Do Next

  1. Claim Your Bounty: If you spot a domain that aligns with your digital ambitions, now is the time to act! Secure your claim before someone else sets their sights on the same treasure.
  2. Renewal Reminders: Use this timely information to set renewal reminders for your existing domains. A stitch in time saves nine, and renewing before expiration ensures a smooth and uninterrupted online journey.
  3. Explore New Horizons: Expiring domains can be a gateway to new possibilities. Consider this a chance to expand your digital empire or launch exciting projects with a fresh domain name.

AINX.EU: Your Navigator in the Digital Seas

As you embark on this journey to explore expiring domains, remember that AINX.EU is your steadfast companion. If you encounter any challenges, our crew is ready to assist you. Sail forth with confidence and make the most of the opportunities that the digital seas present.

Adventure awaits, AINX.EU sailors! Secure your domains, and may your online endeavors be prosperous.

Fair winds and bold discoveries,

The AINX.EU Support Team

Published on December 25, 2023

Exploring the Powerful Features of AINX.eu

Register Your .ainx.eu Domain

Securing a memorable and brand-worthy domain is the first step towards establishing a strong online identity. AINX.eu simplifies this process by allowing users to seamlessly register .ainx.eu domains.

OTT-Based Login for Enhanced Security

Security is a top priority in the digital realm, and AINX.eu takes it to the next level with its Over-The-Top (OTT) based login system. This authentication method adds an extra layer of security, leveraging the latest technologies to protect your account from unauthorized access.

Manage DNS Records with Ease

AINX.eu understands the importance of efficient DNS management for website performance. The platform provides a client area that empowers users to take control of their DNS records effortlessly.

Instant DNS Update for Real-Time Changes

In the fast-paced digital world, every moment counts. AINX.eu recognizes this and offers instant DNS updates, ensuring that any changes made to your DNS records take effect in real-time.

Published on December 14, 2023

Quick Start with AINX.EU: Register Your Domain and Set DNS Records in Minutes

Getting your own domain and setting up DNS records doesn't have to be complicated. With AINX.EU, we've streamlined the process to get you online fast. Here's a no-nonsense guide to help you kickstart your online presence.

Search and Register:

  • Visit AINX.EU and search for your preferred domain.
  • If it's available, register it for free.

Verify with OTT:

  • Upon registration, we'll send a one-time token (OTT) to your email for security.
  • Use the OTT to verify your account.

Login and Go:

  • Log in to your Client Area with the credentials you set up.
  • No fuss, no complicated steps.

Set DNS Records:

  • Navigate to DNS settings in the Client Area.
  • Set your A (Address) records for the domain's IP and MX (Mail Exchange) records for email.

Immediate Activation:

Once DNS is set, your domain is live immediately. No waiting around – start building your online presence.


That's it! You've registered your domain, set up DNS, and your online journey has begun. With AINX.EU, we've made the process quick and straightforward, so you can focus on what matters – your content. Happy blogging!

Published on December 14, 2023

Unleash the Power of Disposable Email with VirtualMail.Contact!

Are you searching for a Disposable Email Server to complement your new domain? Look no further than VirtualMail.Contact!

  • Disposable Email Made Easy: VirtualMail.Contact offers a seamless solution for creating disposable email addresses associated with your domain. Enjoy the flexibility of temporary email accounts without compromising on professionalism.
  • Your Domain, Your Control: With VirtualMail.Contact, you're in command. Integrate disposable email functionality seamlessly with your domain, ensuring a secure and personalized experience.
  • Effortless Setup: Getting started is a breeze! Head over to VirtualMail.Contact and unlock the potential of disposable email for your domain in just a few clicks.

Ready to elevate your email game? Visit VirtualMail.Contact and discover the freedom of Disposable Email with your unique domain!

Published on December 14, 2023

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